Let’s Go on a Journey
In 2007, students from the University of Newcastle and Macquarie University organised the inaugural NewMac Humanities Postgraduate Symposium (and its online journal Humanity). For students enrolled in masters and doctoral research programs, it offered the potential to be a significant first step; the start of something big. Designed to give voice to postgraduate researchers in the humanities, NewMac presented an invaluable opportunity to gain experience in formulating and presenting a research paper and to network with peers from related disciplines. It provided a practical and public platform for further developing the research skills currently being acquired within the context of a postgraduate degree: understanding your topic; applying common themes in related disciplines, and; focusing your message to a captive audience.Downloads
How to Cite
Pleffer, A. (2016). Let’s Go on a Journey. Humanity, 65–66. Retrieved from https://novaojs.newcastle.edu.au/hass/index.php/humanity/article/view/38
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