The NDIS: The Mark of Pre-War or Post-War Public Policy Making?



Disability advocates, politicians and the media almost universally heralded the National Disability Insurance Scheme as an historic reform. But is it? For all the money outlaid, people with disabilities will be left with a care system facing many of the same problems as the ones it replaced, as well as many of the same NGO service providers. Has anything really been gained?

Author Biography

Adam David Johnston, Macquarie University

Adam Johnston is a solicitor, holding a Masters in Law from the University of New England, Armidale, and a Graduate Diploma from the Australian Institute of Company Directors. During his studies, he was a Senate Intern, and a delegate to both the 1998 Constitutional Convention on a Republic and the 2001 Corowa People's Conference. He is a former long-term Member of the Government Solicitors Committee of the Law Society of NSW and has worked in various complaint handling roles for the NSW Ombudsman and the Energy and Water Ombudsman NSW (EWON). He serves on a number of advisory and governance committees of the Northern Sydney Local Health District, is a member of Health Consumers NSW, a Consumer Advisor to the Clinical Excellence Commission's Antimicrobial Stewardship Expert Advisory Committee, a member of the Consumer Advisory Council of the Sydney North Primary Health Network and a Community Member of the NSW Ministry of Health Clinical Ethics Advisory Panel. He is currently a PhD (Law) Student at Macquarie University


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How to Cite

Johnston, A. D. (2018). The NDIS: The Mark of Pre-War or Post-War Public Policy Making?. Humanity. Retrieved from