Digital Marketing Plan: Naked Wines Australia


  • Briannan Culley The University of Newcastle
  • Jacob Graham The University of Newcastle
  • Grace Kay The University of Newcastle
  • Jess Norberry The University of Newcastle
  • Samantha Wilson The University of Newcastle


digital, analysis, marketing, strategies, tactics, SEO, reach


This paper develops a digital marketing plan for Naked Wines Australia over a 12-month period based on situation analysis of the current marketing environment. Naked Wines’ current digital marketing strategy relies strongly on their proficient SEO capabilities, their engaged online community of existing customers and their unique online proposition that combines online wine retailing and crowd funding. The overall objectives that the paper identifies include:

  • Sell Objective: To increase total sales revenue from new customers by 20% within the next 12 months
  • Sizzle Objective: To increase brand awareness of new customers by 15% within the next 12 months

The paper outlines specific strategies and tactics that aim to satisfy the achievement of these objectives with a focus on reaching new customers. The key strategies to be implemented as part of this plan include an integrated social media, content marketing and offline communication strategies. The report identifies the associated tactics as viral campaign, YouTube content optimisation, as well as print ads and flyers.

The underlying focus of this paper is to extend the current reach of Naked Wines Australia within its competitive online market. Simply relying on their current market positioning and the customers they service within it limits Naked Wines Australia opportunities for growth and development. The report sets the overall budget at $400,000 based on past performance, whereby the largest proportion of this budget has been allocated to the social media, content marketing and offline strategies. To evaluate the plan, the report highlights the main methods of control as Google Analytics, short surveys, and a balance scorecard.


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How to Cite

Culley, B., Graham, J., Kay, G., Norberry, J., & Wilson, S. (2017). Digital Marketing Plan: Naked Wines Australia. Newcastle Business School Student Journal, 1(1), 68–89. Retrieved from



Industry Paper