The Diva Re-Vamped: Destabilising notions of the diva in the cabaret of Paul Capsis and Meow Meow


  • Jo Marie Loth University of the Sunshine Coast


Two different forms of the diva persona are presented in the work of Australian cabaret artists Paul Capsis and Meow Meow. Drawing on modes of parodic humour and the cabaret tradition of the vamp, these artists deconstruct notions of female stardom, glamour and the idealised diva.  Discussion in this article focuses on Capsis’ cabarets Boulevard Delirium (performed from 2001-2005) and Paul Capsis (2006), and Meow Meow’s cabaret performances from 2007 to the present. Capsis disrupts fixed notions of the diva by exploring multiple viewpoints of famous divas. In contrast, Meow Meow achieves this disruption while drawing attention to the audience’s involvement in the creation of the diva persona. 

Author Biography

Jo Marie Loth, University of the Sunshine Coast

Lecturer in Drama, Faculty of Arts and Business, University of the Sunshine Coast.




How to Cite

Loth, J. M. (2013). The Diva Re-Vamped: Destabilising notions of the diva in the cabaret of Paul Capsis and Meow Meow. Popular Entertainment Studies, 4(2), 57–73. Retrieved from


