Writing ourselves differently through feminist praxis
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Academic writing practices are interwoven with complex formations of knowledge and knowing, shaping what is ‘known’ about access and equity, what it means and how groups and communities associated with equity policies are (mis)represented. However, the methodologies that underpin academic writing practices and knowledge-formation are rarely interrogated due to the taken-for-granted conventions at play. Academic writing is largely an exclusionary practice in which unequal power relations reinforce the authority of some to engage in knowledge-formation in particular ways, while Other bodies of knowledge and people are de-legitimised through hegemonic epistemologies. In ignoring the important relationship between access, equity and writing, long-standing and entrenched inequalities for both student and academic authors are concealed from view. Drawing from feminist writing praxis, I explore the possibilities of generating counter-hegemonic spaces for potential knowledge transformation, as key to commitments to access and equity.
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