A call for papers is now open for a 2025 Special Issue, Evaluation for equity and justice.
The issue will be guest edited by Rhyall Gordon, Praxis Officer in the Centre of Excellence for Equity in Higher Education; Matt Lumb, Associate Director in the Centre of Excellence for Equity in Higher Education; James Ballangarry, Lecturer in Global Indigenous Studies at the Wollotuka Institute; and Monica McKenzie, Indigenous Evaluation Project Officer in the Office of Indigenous Strategy and Leadership UON. The editors invite contributions seeking to unearth inequalities present in evaluation practices. This may include, for example:
Research articles exploring theoretical and methodological innovations in justice-oriented evaluation.
Empirical studies highlighting case studies, best practices, and lessons learned.
Theoretical reflections on the politics of knowledge and the role of evaluation in challenging dominant value systems.
Commentaries on emerging trends and future directions for the field of evaluation.
Forms that represent marginalised or subjugated ways of knowing and/or communicating in relation to evaluation.
Frameworks drawing on decolonial and feminist commitments to challenge Eurocentric and patriarchal norms, advocating for the validation of Indigenous and non-Western knowledge systems.
The full call is available here.