The role of higher education in facilitating social mobility

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Ian Cunninghame


This paper presents findings from an initial scoping study that set out to ask and invite discussion on ‘what more can be done in higher education to better facilitate social mobility for equity groups in Australia?’ The research involved identifying studies which detailed information on the broad range of complex issues concerning social mobility both in Australia and internationally, in order to gain a fuller understanding of how important higher education participation has become in efforts to improve equity and social justice. Applying the findings about higher education’s role in driving social mobility to a number of identified barriers to equity group engagement, the paper concludes that although social mobility discourse is problematic, continued funding for successful enabling, outreach and scholarship programs remains an essential part of ensuring that the full diversity of the Australian population is included in higher education, so that opportunities for social mobility are available to all.

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How to Cite
Cunninghame, I. (2017). The role of higher education in facilitating social mobility. Access: Critical Explorations of Equity in Higher Education, 4(1), 74–85. Retrieved from
Research Paper
Author Biography

Ian Cunninghame, National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education, Curtin University

Ian Cunninghame is a research assistant for the National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education (NCSEHE) hosted at Curtin University. He has a Masters of Professional Communication majoring in Professional Writing and Publishing and a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Internet Communications. He is currently assisting the NCSEHE with reviewing past and present research projects, cataloguing research to a referencing database, and assisting in gathering research relating to social mobility through higher education.


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