Care, hope and resistance: Reshaping teacher professional learning for inclusive education

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Nicola Cull
Aidan Cai
Donna Heemi
Divna Dokmanovic


This paper explores the transformative possibilities of drawing on a ‘pedagogical methodology’ (Burke, Crozier & Misiaszek, 2017) in working for inclusive education through professional learning in schools. Our paper discusses how corporate management models, neoliberal education standardisation and test-based accountability impact on teacher status, professional identity and feelings of trust and autonomy. Writing from our perspective, that is, of four Australian school teachers who are all committed to educational equity, we deconstruct how the ‘professional teacher’ is being framed as the ‘rational man’ (Coole, 1993; Walkerdine & Lucey, 1989). We discuss the latter concept and examine how it leads to particular forms of technical and instrumentalised professional learning. Then, drawing on critical, feminist and post-structuralist perspectives and theory, we explore how a critical and reflexive approach to professional learning enabled us to glimpse the possibility of a professional learning process which is both generative and potentially transformative for teachers as they create a space of resistance against hegemonic neoliberal assumptions. Our methodological approach involved Freirean notions of dialogue and praxis to interrogate our own practices and assumptions concerned with notions of ‘capability’ and ‘misrecognition’. From our reflections and insights, we hope to contribute concepts that might be helpful for improving teacher professional learning and reinforce recognition of teacher expertise because of the unique effect teachers have on students and their engagement with education. This is especially important to students in disadvantaged areas, and, in broader terms, for widening participation of equity groups in education.

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How to Cite
Cull, N., Cai, A., Heemi, D., & Dokmanovic, D. (2018). Care, hope and resistance: Reshaping teacher professional learning for inclusive education. Access: Critical Explorations of Equity in Higher Education, 5(1), 21–36. Retrieved from
Research Paper


ABS. (2011). Schools, Australia 2011 (cat. no. 4221.0). Australian Bureau of Statistics. Retrieved from


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